
School Days

Today (Monday, 23) marked the first day of student teaching. Arriving at the school was simple, but figuring out who our mentor teacher's were, well that was a bit more complicated. It took a few phone calls and a few little meetings, but after weeks of waiting two names were given to us. The only downside, the other AU intern and I were forced to choose between the two who we wanted. But enough about this process, what is important is the school and how it differs from Ohio!

The high school is a mini-campus comprised of seven different buildings. Together they form an oblong oval shape around a concrete patio area. This is "the beach" or a common area for students to go in between classes or before the first bell of school. It is this way because there are no long hallways, but instead the entrances to different sections are from the outside. To get from the English section to the History section a student must go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather! It is quite a drastic change, but I think I like it.

On our final day of vacation, the other AU intern and I headed to downtown Disney. It was probably the best location I could think of to relax and enjoy the positive atmosphere before returning to teaching. Yes this happened yesterday (Sunday), but it was worth every minute. Now that vacation is over, I look forward to teaching 6 periods of 11th grade honors. I am very excited, yet at the same time, I know how much work it will be as well. Thank goodness I've read all the text before and now I can call on all that college education that I never thought I'd actually use ;)

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