
RLCC, Wait What? Not RLCA?

This week is incredibly busy for me, but I'm loving every minute of it! Not only am I working this week at my University, but I am also a dorm mom at my childhood camp. For years I traveled with my parents to this camp, and eventually became a camper. Whenever I worked as "faculty" it was washing dishes in the kitchen for the majority of the day, but this year it feels like I received a promotion! Now I am a dorm mom.

I never realized what a difference there was between high school students and where I am now. In reality I have only been graduated for three years, and one would think that in those three years, a person could change, but not so drastically. I listen to my girls talk and it makes me realize how different I am after three years of college. Especially in seeing the youth ministers interact with their youth groups. They are blocking hallways, singing loudly past lights out, pushing the faculty to see how far they can go. It makes me step back and thank this crazy college experience. Thank you for letting me grow up a little.

On the plus side, being back at camp after 1 year of not setting foot there is such a relief. It was always my favorite "mini-vacation" and I always looked forward to camp. You know that place? That place where you love to visit year after year and it always makes you feel slightly nostalgic? Yeah, that is camp for me. And to think after all these years I get to help in a dorm instead of the kitchen! It may not seem like much, but it just shows how things can go full circle. My mom used to be in the dorms, I grew up in the camp as a camper, and now I'm in the dorms. Wow :) Got to love Round Lake Christian Assembly (RLCA) ... despite the whole name change to RLCC. 


Ashland Orientation Palooza!

This week my fellow Orientation Teamers (O-Teamers for short) got to wear our purple polo's once again! We had two drive-ins this week for Ashland University, and I must say they were amazing. For those of you who do not know what a drive-in is, it is our first orientation for the incoming freshmen class. They visit the University for a day going through informational sessions, checking out ways to get involved on campus, and much more.
So let's recap the two drive-ins from this week!
((The O-Team arrives the night before))
June 19-20 
This night was super relax. It was so nice to see everyone again, and it really gave us a chance to get to know each other as a team better. My friends car was smoking, but luckily it got fixed. We ran a bit late throughout the drive in day, and had some confused parents and students, but we managed to make things work out for the best.
June 22-23
One of the best drive-ins I have ever worked! The night before we went to a bonfire and got drenched in the rain, and when we got back to the house, it was game time! Our director bought us huge marshmallows and we decided to use them for indoor marshmallow football! The entire night was a blast, and I got to talk to O-Teamers who I did not really know before hand. I loved it :) The drive in went smoothly. Only a few minor hiccups, but nothing major to report. The skits finished early leaving us a lot of extra time in JAM (Just ask Me) sessions for the students & O-Teamers. Yay for not running late!
The 2011 Orientation Team at Ashland University!
Here's to my fellow O-Teamers! 


The End of an Era

Day 30 - A Picture of Someone You Miss

I know that it has been a struggle for me to make it through this, and it lasted more like 50 days than 30, but this is it. My 30 day photo challenge now reaches its end, leaving me wondering what else I can possibly blog about for all of you :) With the end of an era, there is only one picture I can think to post.
This is a picture of my grandmother. She passed away in December, 2010. She was the heart of my family, and honestly it is so difficult to type this, as I am beginning to tear up just thinking about her. She was the joy in our lives, not to mention the most hilarious woman, and incredibly skilled baker. I will always miss her, but every Christmas as I bake her recipes I will remember her :) Love you Grandma!

The Wrap Up Begins

Day 29 - A Picture that can Make You Smile

This picture of my family always makes me smile. Together  the four of us have been through so much, and they have truly brought me to where I am today. Seeing pictures like this remind me how truly blessed I am. To have a family that loves me despite my flaws and stands by my side through everything cannot help but bring a smile to my face. What can I say, I love my family :)


Eternal Solitude

Day 28 - A Picture of Something You're Afraid of

There are not a lot of things that scare me. Yes there is a small fear of bugs, but that is beside the point. I have been cliff diving, white water rafting, and even scraped up my legs rock climbing. But there is one thing that does scare me more than the usual every day life things.

The fear of dying alone scares me. I look forward to the day I can find someone to share my life with. And the thought of being alone for the remainder of my life terrifies me... it has been my one biggest fear since.. as long as I can remember.

To Protect and Guide

Day 27 - A Picture of You and a Family Member
Here is a picture of me and my little sister Bre. I look out for her, because I'm the big sister and it's my job to protect her :)



Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot for You

Music. I was born and raised in a musical family. My dad plays piano, my mom played harp and now plays piano, and both of them sing. From an early age I was put into the world of music, learning to love it and appreciate the art. I have played piano, flute, and piccolo, and I also have a little ability to sing.

I think music is important in the world. It is essential for helping some individuals in the areas of inspiration, motivation, romance, or even just lifting the mood. There is something comforting about music, and this is why I believe so strongly in this principle. Life = Music!

PS. Yesterday was Monday, which means new Video of the Week :)


Music of the Night

Day 25 - A Picture of your Favorite Day

The day I first saw Phantom of the Opera live. This musical is my favorite musical of all time. I first heard the music when I was about seven years old, after my parent's brought back a cassette tape from the production in Toledo. From that moment they promised me that if the show ever came back to Ohio, that they would take me to see it. Summer 2010 the production arrived and we had fabulous tickets. 13 years - a promise in the making.

This is a picture of me and my sister before leaving our house to go see the show with our parents. She also loved Phantom, needless to say, the entire night was magical. I was captivated the entire time by the setting, the cast, the theatre, and most of all : the music. The Phantom's mysterious Music of the Night left my entire family with a memory we will never forget.


Overwhelming Recession

Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You could Change

This one is simple... the cost of college. No matter what the college, unless your parent is a professor at that specific university, you will end up in debt. The fact is, students now a days are paying way more than necessary for an education. The even uglier truth is that I have a much lower debt rate than most of the students I have met at my University, and I will be paying off my loans for at least 10 years.

So one thing I wish I could change: the cost of college. I wish that Universities and colleges around the globe would realize that their faculty and staff do not need the high salaries that they have, when other educators in lower educations are struggling to get by. Even out the cost, and find some way to decrease the tuition costs of college. The fact of the matter is if tuition continuously raises at Universities across the nation, the number of students who attend them will drop. What happened to higher education begin available to everyone? It is already a struggle for middle-class families to send their children there... soon it will be for only the upper-class.


A Golden Piece of Work

Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book

Simple! My favorite book was written by a man named Arthur Golden. He went into a ten year period of writing, focusing only on this book : Memoirs of a Geisha. If you have not read this book, you need to. It is my all time favorite book for a number of reasons.
The plot line is good, it remains simple and does not lose the reader along the way. The descriptions are voluptuous. Never before in a book have I been so enthralled by the descriptions, it is like Golden has trapped you in his world, if only for a moment. The characters are relate able. It does not matter that they are Japanese or American, the reader is drawn to their stories. Lastly, this book is based on research of the Japanese geisha's. This book is a fascinating look into their world and the life that they lead.
So, if you have not read Memoirs of a Geisha here is what you need to do. Stroll to the nearest bus station, or sprint to the nearest mode of transportation that you have. Start the ignition and head to the library to rent this book. That is when the year "Golden" magic beings.