
Overwhelming Recession

Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You could Change

This one is simple... the cost of college. No matter what the college, unless your parent is a professor at that specific university, you will end up in debt. The fact is, students now a days are paying way more than necessary for an education. The even uglier truth is that I have a much lower debt rate than most of the students I have met at my University, and I will be paying off my loans for at least 10 years.

So one thing I wish I could change: the cost of college. I wish that Universities and colleges around the globe would realize that their faculty and staff do not need the high salaries that they have, when other educators in lower educations are struggling to get by. Even out the cost, and find some way to decrease the tuition costs of college. The fact of the matter is if tuition continuously raises at Universities across the nation, the number of students who attend them will drop. What happened to higher education begin available to everyone? It is already a struggle for middle-class families to send their children there... soon it will be for only the upper-class.

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