
Unexpected Sister

    In life there are many bittersweet moments. These are the moments in which we cannot help but be happy for another, while feeling the sorrow ourselves. As the summer progressed, I knew one of those moments was coming ever closer; saying goodbye to my best friend. Tomorrow she is transferring to another University and I will miss her more than words can express.
    Goodbye is such a definite term. In life, in moments like these, the phrase "see you soon" is what I prefer. Although the words goodbye may escape my lips, this phrase continuously repeats inside my mind like a never ending record. See you soon. A way to say this is not over, this is not the end. I say that tomorrow as I bid my friend adieu. Our friendship will not be over, I refuse. As should we all. Friendships that build us up and restore our confidence have become rare in the world today. To find someone who I can laugh with until we cry is worth the efforts to keep. 
    Over our time at work together, this girl has been tremendous. After some tragic happenings of the past semester (more specifically the last 2 weeks), I lost all confidence and my perspective on life was shattered. She introduced me to her favorite childhood memory Harry Potter. Somehow, by reading the entire series over the summer I found a best friend. Not in the books, but in the girl that is transferring tomorrow. Through laughter, hilarity, movies, cookies, and HP, the pieces of myself were restored. If it was not for her, I would have still been in a state of daze and confusion, lost in the never ending maze. 
    So here is to tomorrow. A bittersweet moment. To Amanda : I wish you the best of luck at your new school. I hope that you conquer your major and love the new surroundings around you. Thank you for everything! I can honestly say you'll always be a best friend of mine, and let's make it to never change! I'll miss you!


A Summer Gone By

It is hard to believe that summer has come and past. Next week the school season officially begins for me and other fellow students who are moving in early for campus organizations. But before all of that begins, I want to step back and recall all the memories of this summer.
Living Away From Home
I must admit, living on campus over the summer is not what I expected it to be; however, it still brought memories. Two of my Alpha Phi sisters and I lived together, and I appreciate those two women more than ever. It was such an amazing opportunity to grow closer in friendships with both of them! Living with them over the summer just brought the idea of graduating to a more realistic level, knowing that I can do anything I put my mind to, and knowing I will not see my family every day.
Me & My Summer Roomies!
Harry Potter Mania!
This summer I had the opportunity to become friends with my co-worker! We had been friends before, but working with her over the summer just brought us that much closer as friends. She encouraged me to read the Harry Potter book series over the summer, which is something I had never done before. It was incredible to me though, not only the story line, but how much I should thank HP. By reading the books and just talking about it, it brought me so much closer to her. I can honestly say she is one of my best friends!! She somehow managed to bring that sense of childhood back to me, that I had forgotten over the past semester.
Me & My Best Friend at the Wizards Gathering. Yes we're house elves :)
Alpha Phi!
This summer was an amazing opportunity for me to grow in my love for my sorority Alpha Phi! Many of our sisters visited over the summer and stayed in our room on campus. The joke became our room  was the APhi hotel. But I would not trade it for the world. It gave me a chance to know so many of my sisters in a different way, and love the fact that I can call them sister! Shopping for recruitment made me incredibly excited for this fall. I cannot wait to begin recruitment and see all of the amazing new sisters we will get! 
The Epsilon Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi after Greek Week is over!